Announcing the UCSF DoC-IT Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan Header GraphicDear colleagues,

I'm thrilled to share the inaugural strategic plan for the UCSF Division of Clinical Informatics and Digital Transformation (DoC-IT). Since our launch in July 2023, we have broadly engaged the individuals and groups who work in the digital space – ensuring we designed this plan with diverse input and perspectives. Our resulting goals and objectives reflect an ambitious but achievable approach to fill a key gap at UCSF: an academic home for clinical informatics research and training, complemented by strong ties to operational clinical informatics within our health systems. Indeed, one of the hallmarks of informatics is that it cuts across our mission areas, and so our efforts cannot be successful in a silo.

We are starting with an exciting set of DoC-IT centers and programs. The Clinical Informatics Fellowship and the Center for Clinical Informatics and Improvement Research (CLIIR) seamlessly transitioned into the division and were quickly joined by two new initiatives: the Coordinating Center for Diagnostic Excellence (CoDEx) and the Impact Monitoring Platform for AI in Clinical Care (IMPACC) in partnership with UCSF Health. I anticipate additional growth in focal domains in which our faculty have unique expertise.

Thank you for taking the time to read this plan. I hope it offers clarity into where our superb DoC-IT leadership team will be investing time and effort to lay the foundation for our new division. 

View the DoC-IT Strategic Plan

Julia Adler-Milstein, PhD
Chief, Division of Clinical Informatics and Digital Transformation
Professor, Department of Medicine